Affiliation No. 1730695

School No. 11042

Chairman Message (SEIL)

“Education must provide life building, Man-making, character-making, and assimilation of ideas”

Chairman SEIL
Mr.Ved Prakash Chiripal

( Chairman – Shanti Educational Initiative Ltd., Ahmedabad)

It is a common belief that good education is that which helps to build good character in a child as the character is the foundation for self-development. Swami Vivekananda said, ‘education must provide life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas.’ the students must know how to think, solve problems, innovate and collaborate.

There is no single path to this end, but whichever path our students choose, it must take them out of their comfort zone. It must encourage them to think creatively and critically. The students must always be provided with authentic learning experiences. The schools should embrace character-building and all-round development of students not as an alternative to academic attainment but as an essential adjunct of it.

As their teachers and guardians, we must help to develop their character and a strong partnership is required between the home and school to ensure the same. Above all the character-building education must be approached comprehensively to include the emotional, intellectual, and moral development of children. Our philosophy of education has always been meeting the needs of the individual child. It is our belief that the children acquire skills and knowledge easily if we make the surroundings stimulating, purposeful as well as joyful. In the 21st century, the digital revolution has affected us all. Quite simply it is changing everything around. In suds surroundings when it and effort are valued, the child’s self-esteem is heightened, and this results in self-motivation. We try to capture this motivation for the benefit of each child, as we firmly believe that it is our responsibility to enable and every child in our care to develop as a whole.

If innovation and novel ideas are key to a bright future, then we can surely remain assured of our place under the pedagogic sun. We put forward a distinctive blend of offerings in the areas of knowledge and enterprise in the form of encouraging students for debates, elocution, and quiz contests as well as organizing and taking part in various cultural events. We also have an exclusive time earmarked in the timetable for multifarious activities like music, dance, drama, skating, karate, football, basketball, squash, badminton, table tennis, etc. Today as we march ahead, we pledge to work for the all-around development of every child, and in the process, open new vistas in the area of education. I congratulate the entire editorial board for their efforts in bringing out the the second issue of ‘utkarsh’, the annual magazine.

Warm regards,
Ved Prakash Chiripal