Shanti Asiatic School, Jaipur


Children learn as they play

More importantly, in play, children learn how to learn.” Kids practiced sight words in a fun way.

Glimpses of Easter Day Celebration

A fun filled activity

 “Snowman Ball Sort” was organised to keep our tiny tots busy during the winter.They participated enthusiastically & learnt about various colours as well.

Our Handwriting style depicts our personality traits

A Hindi Handwriting Competition was organized to make our kids realise the significance of good handwriting and motivate them to write nearly and legibly.

Creating Crafts

Creating crafts or projects encourage children to practice fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, stability, finger strengthening, etc. Tearing requires strength and endurance. Tearing is a pre-cursor for writing. To infuse these skills we have organized a “Paper Tearing & Collage Making Competition” for our tiny tots.

152 Birth Anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi

"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. We need not wait to see what others do." "Happy Gandhi Jyanti"

Ganesh Chaturthi

Fun With Shapes



Bird Feeder Craft Activity

Teach kids to be kind to animals & birds And they will grow up to be kind to people too.

Science Experiment

Funfrolic Science Experiment


Shanti Asiatic School Jaipur Wishes Everyone a Happy Guru Purnima.


Earth Day

SASJ  organised a number of activities to create awareness to conserve our mother Earth and its resources on the occasion of Earth Day. Students of Classes IV to V and XI and XII made bird feeders from recycled products available at home like icecream sticks, coconut shells and unused containers. While students of classes VI to XII mode posters & wrote slogans on ‘Save Earth’.The students of grades I -III celebrated World Earth Day by planting saplings. The motive of organising such activities was to inculcate students with values of conservation, respecting nature, being mindful of disposing the waste, and encouraging them to reduce, reuse and recycle.

Plantation Activity

" Plantation Activity” was conducted in order to educate our tiny tots to stay connected to their roots and know their responsibility towards protecting ‘Mother Nature’.

Teachers' Day

Card Making Activity

Raksha Bandhan

Shanti Asiatic School Jaipur wishes everyone a very Happy Raksha Bandhan.

Kit Kat break

“Kit Kat break “to break the everyday monotony & also to instil good habits & etiquettes in our tiny tots.

Guru Purnima Celebration

Shanti Asiatic School Jaipur Wishes Everyone a Happy Guru Purnima.

Sponge Activity

Cool off with water play Splash it, splash it, Let’s play with it. (Social and Communication skills, Eye hand co-ordination, Finger strengthening, develops motor skills ,sensory exploration & independence)

Developing a child's phonological awareness

Developing a child's phonological awareness is an important part of developing a reader. Young children's ability to identify rhyme units is an important component of phonological awareness.

Teeth Brush Activity

Here's my toothpaste.Here's my brush. I won't hurry. I won't rush. Working hard to keep teeth clean,Front and back and in between. When I brush for quite a while,I will have a happy smile. We have organised a “Brushing Teeth “ activity for our tiny tots in which their teacher talked about dental health and what they can do to improve it by eating foods that are healthy and by brushing and flossing daily.

Friendship Day

A true friends is one soul in two bodies.

Co-Curriculum Activities

To balance the academic pursuits of our pupils, SASJ offers a wide variety of activities to complement its curriculum.Music ,Sports ,Art & Craft & many more… Let’s take a sneak peek into our virtual classes of these co- curriculum activities….

Learning With Fun

The primary goal of our pre-primary program is to enable students to learn through fun-filled activities and play-driven initiatives. Let’s take a sneak peek into our fun & engaging virtual classroom sessions of pre primary section.